
The next generation of high-tech railroad workers got their first look at how technology contributes to the freight rail industry. Railinc hosted 20 children of employees for Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day on Thursday, April 23. Kids from 7 to 12 years old learned about what Railinc and their parents do with technology to help trains get where they need to go.
Among their activities, the children got an inside look at Railinc's workspace from server and conference rooms to agile meeting spaces. Employees led an exercise in which the children, pretending to be railroads, used strands of tape to connect to each other and see how Railinc serves as the industry hub for electronic messaging. Others took the kids through a line-of-road-failure exercise and showed the children photos of different types of rail cars. Kids also listened in on customer support center calls to see how people and technology work together.
Thanks to all the Railinc employees who helped make the day special for kids and parents alike.
—Railinc Corporate Communications