Railway Age this month featured freight equipment data and analysis provided by Railinc. But this time it's locomotives. In the July 2015 issue of Railway Age magazine, Railinc data scientist Dr. David Humphrey gives a summary of the size and composition of the North American freight locomotive fleet. The article is based on key findings from Railinc's 2015 Locomotive Review. The review features data related to the characteristics of the locomotive fleet, including information about the age and size of the fleet, new locomotives joining the fleet, types of power in the fleet, horsepower ratings trends in the fleet and more. This is the first year that Railinc has published the report.
Humphrey compiled all the data in the report from Railinc's Umler® system. The Umler equipment registry contains the physical characteristics, transportation management and pool assignments of nearly two million pieces of rail equipment in North America. It is the base file for other industry reference files and industry equipment accounting files and is updated more than 600,000 times each month.
You can read more about the state of the locomotive fleet in Railinc's North American Locomotive Review 2015, which is available to download for free. Railinc's complete list of reports, including the 2015 North American Freight Railcar Review, are available to download for free here.