The number of carloads moved on short line and regional railroads decreased slightly, with a one percent decrease in year-to-year comparisons. Total carloads were down from 335,067 in February 2013 to 331,273 in February 2014.
The largest gains were observed in motor vehicles and equipment, up 18 percent, along with nonmetallic minerals, up 12 percent. Commodities experiencing the most significant declines were coal and…
The number of carloads moved on short line and regional railroads decreased slightly, with a three percent decrease in year-to-year comparisons. Total carloads were down from 362,843 in January 2013 to 352,829 in January 2014.
The largest gains were observed in nonmetallic minerals, up 135 percent and metallic ores, up 110 percent. Commodities experiencing the most significant declines were all other carloads and trailer or…
The total size of the North American rail equipment fleet once again held steady during the fourth quarter of 2013. The total equipment count was 1,977,131 compared to 1,969,766 during the third quarter of 2013, resulting in a less than one percent increase from last quarter.
The three largest segments once again were covered hoppers (26 percent), tank cars (18 percent) and gondolas (13 percent).
The number of carloads moved on short line and regional railroads increased slightly, with a five percent increase in year-to-year comparisons. Total carloads were up from 332,002 in December 2012 to 349,676 in December 2013.
  The largest gains were observed in metallic ores and nonmetallic minerals, up 110 percent and 70 percent, respectively. Commodities experiencing the most significant declines were stone, clay, and glass, along…
Railinc Corp. announced today the election of a new board chair and the appointment of two new members for its board of directors. Jo-ann Olsovsky of BNSF was elected board chair, and Fred Ehlers of Norfolk Southern and Serge Leduc of Canadian National Railway joined the board. The announcement was made following a recent Railinc board…
The number of carloads moved on short line and regional railroads increased slightly, with a three percent increase in year-to-year comparisons.  Total carloads were up from 348,017 in November 2012 to 358,8282 in November 2013.
The largest gains were observed in metallic ores and nonmetallic minerals, up 100 percent and 73 percent, respectively.  Commodities experiencing the most significant declines were all other…
Railinc has upgraded the Car Hire Rate Negotiation Self-Service (CHRNSS) application, enhancing the ability of railroads, car owners, and third-party leasing companies to query, view and manage data essential to the negotiation of car hire rates, or the amount of money paid for the use of a railcar. “CHRNSS gives users convenient access to essential data they…
The number of carloads moved on short line and regional railroads increased slightly, with a two percent increase in year-to-year comparisons.  Total carloads were up from 382,303 in October 2012 to 390,703 in October 2013.
    The largest gains were observed in metallic ores and nonmetallic minerals, up 92 percent and 82 percent, respectively.  Commodities experiencing the most significant declines were all other…