The Damaged Defective Car Tracking (DDCT) application allows electronic transmission of damaged and defective equipment. DDCT allows you to easily update, retrieve and share information in a timely manner through enhancing the communication between handling carriers and car mark owners

Equipment Health Management System (EHMS) communicates the condition of the equipment and sends alerts to responsible parties when repairs are needed via a web-based application. EHMS also allows car owners, railroads and equipment maintenance providers to report equipment repairs and collect repair history data.

Equipment Advisory is an application that supports several of the core Early Warning functions, such as using advisories, identifying equipment subject to the advisory and reporting inspections and repairs. In addition, and Equipment Advisory expands its scope by adding new advisory types as well as other improvements to the Early Warning system.

CarLogix meets all of the multi-level pool bill requirements (MLPB) and allows for easy repair billing, company-defined charges and automated file submissions to ensure repairs are recorded efficiently and accurately. CarLogix eliminates repetitive billing tasks by automatically creating pre-trip expectations for a list of cars.

Legal Disclaimer: Any actions taken in reliance on or pursuant to this website are subject to Railinc's Terms of Use, as set forth in, and all AAR rules. 

Available APIs for DDCT, EHMS, Equipment Advisory and CarLogix have been listed below:

DDCT — Close Inactive Incidents

This API processes automatic incident closures when all incident equipment has reached end status following TTL period per Interchange Rule for those incidents that are not already closed per other business rules.

DDCT — Pending Settlements

This API processes automatic settlement for pending settlement following decision grace period after settlement offered.

DDCT — Notify ADR Status

This API sends notification reminder to car mark owners that ADV/disposition has been requested.

DDCT — Notify DR Status

This API sends notification reminder to car mark owners that disposition has been requested.

DDCT — Notify SO Status

This API sends notification reminder to car mark owners that settlement has been offered.

DDCT — Purge EMIS Query Log

This API purges the Umler query log table per purge policy.

DDCT — Populate Shop Couplets

This API calls FindUsRail to fetch repair shop contacts and populate shop couplets and contact into DDCTS database for local, performant query.

DDCT — Umler® Equipment Delete

This API allows the 15 day’s Time Delay on the equipment which are deleted in Umler®.

DDCT — Umler Equipment Delete ICB

This API process autocloses an ICB record for any given equipment 72 hours after it is deleted from Umler.

DDCT — Notify Third-Party Assignments

This API sends notification reminder to car mark owners that third party assignment has been requested.

DDCT — Auto-Close Rule One Incidents

This API auto closes rule one incidents if they have three consecutive loaded trips. (It runs only during business hours)

DDCT — Auto-Close Old Incidents

This feature processes automatic incident closure if the incident is 48 months older from incident/defect card creates date and the incident is not in OH/ISC status.

DDCT — Auto-Close Rule 95 Incidents

This feature processes automatic RULE_95 incident closure if the incident is 48 months older from defect card create date and the incident is not in OH/ISC status.

DDCT — Auto-Close Rule 102 Incidents

This feature processes automatic RULE_102/SADC closure if the SADC is 48 months older from create date and the SADC is not in OH/ISC status.

DDCT — Auto-Close Rule 107 Incidents

This feature processes automatic RULE_107 incident closure if the incident is 48 months older from incident/defect card create date and the incident is not in OH/ISC status.

EA — Query Equipment by Equipment ID (POST)

This feature returns all equipment found in Umler. Each equipment lists all advisories to which it is assigned with assignment details, if any. The payload may contain up to 500 equipment IDs.

EA — Query Advisories (POST)

Payload may contain advisory numbers for up to 500 advisories and assigned equipment. Equipment IDs in request is limited to 500 across all advisories in the request.

EA — Report Inspections (POST)

This feature enables users to report inspections on 50 equipment units per request.

EHMS — Submit Car Repair, Report Closure, Report Equipment Repair

All these operations allow roads to report Repair or Inspection data in different entry format. The outcome for these 3 operations is a Closure reported to EHMS that could potentially close an open alert for the repaired component.

EHMS — Nullify Closures

This feature allows users to nullify an existing repair or inspection.

EHMS — Get Alert Types

This feature enables users to query alert type reference data defined in the system.

EHMS — Get Data Summary Types

This feature permits users to query data summary type reference data defined in the system.

EHMS — Get Equipment History

This feature allows users to query historical data on one or more equipment. Data queried includes alerts, data summaries, reads, events and closures.

EHMS — Get Equipment Status

This feature allows users to query current active data on one or more equipment. Data queried includes alerts, data summaries, reads, events and closures.


CarLogix integrated web services provide reference data and validation services to support any car repair billing system. Reference data files provide the latest information required to supports job code searches, associated repairs, Price Master updates and more. The pricing and validation web service checks repairs against AAR and custom rules in real time, determine the correct party to bill and price the repair using AAR or RAC pricing. When repairs are completed, CarLogix closes alerts, updates Early Warning notifications and Umler inspections and completes the component association.