The Loading Authority OT-57 system provides a centralized, paperless process for registering private freight rail equipment and access to controlling entity (shipper, owner, or lessee) contact information and storage information. It facilitates the potential placement of private freight rail equipment at specified storage locations on a railroad.

Loading Authority OT-57 replaces Loading Authority OT-5, which was retired effective January 2, 2020.

For private rail equipment to be entered into loaded revenue service, private rail cars should be registered in the Loading Authority OT-57 system, as specified in the Association of American Railroads' OT-57 Circular, effective since 2020.

The controlling entity (railcar owner or lessee) or its representative is responsible for registering cars within the Loading Authority OT-57 system.

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Getting Started 

To access the OT-57 system:

  1. Register for a reporting mark or Railinc Company ID using the Railinc Onboarding Application. There is a one-time setup charge for registering a company ID with Railinc.
  2. Verify that your controlling entity contact information has been entered into FindUs.Rail.
  3. To access the OT-57 system, go to the Single Sign-On (SSO) portal on Railinc’s home page. Follow the instructions to register or log in. Contact the Railinc Customer Success Center by email at or by phone at 877-724-5462 with questions.
  4. Request permission to access Loading Authority OT-57 as a fleet manager.

After you receive an email from Railinc confirming approval of your permission request, you may log in to with your Railinc SSO and use the Loading Authority OT-57 system.

Loading Authority OT-57 resources are available to download, including the User Guide and FAQ document.