Rail Service Finder (RSF) and MidRange Industry Reference File (MRIRF) have replaced Freight Rail 411.

RSF enables rail customers to quickly find company information, rail-served industries, serving and connecting carriers, station names, and service descriptions by searching company names, addresses, or railroad names. RSF is available through the Rail Service Finder website. Railinc developed RSF under the guidance of the AAR's Customer Location Task Force and Interline Revenue Committee.

MRIRF provides robust search capabilities for Marks, Standard Point Location Codes (SPLC), Centralized Station Masters (CSM), Junction Interchanges, Routes, Standard Transportation Commodity Codes (STCC), and Shipment Condition Files (SCF).

Legal Disclaimer: Any actions taken in reliance on or pursuant to this website are subject to Railinc's Terms of Use, as set forth in https://public.railinc.com/terms-use, and all AAR rules. 

MRIRF Access

To access MRIRF, go to the Single Sign-On portal on Railinc's home page. Follow the instructions to register or log in. Select MRIRF under Your Applications. If MRIRF is not visible, request access after clicking View/Request Permissions under User Services. Contact the Railinc Customer Success Center by email at csc@railinc.com or by phone at 877-724-5462 with questions.